Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Efficacy of Natural Remedies mango leaves

Efficacy of Natural Remedies mango leaves
Image From: healthncare.info

Efficacy of Natural Remedies mango leaves - Mango (Mangifera indica) is a type of fruit. Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera, consisting of 35-40 kinds, including tribal Anacardiaceae mango.

Mango tree stems may reach a height of 40 meters, and is generally utilized is the fruit as fruit is delicious to eat, rich in vitamin C, but who would have thought other than fruit mango leaves also have properties that are good for health and can be used as a traditional medicine , the efficacy of mango leaves believed to be able to treat many types of diseases.

Great Benefits of Mango Leaves for Human Health

Here are some of the properties of mango leaves to health, and how to process them.

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Traditional medicine Gout

Take acid some young mango leaves, wash thoroughly and then enter into the glass, and fill the water until it is full, let until the water turns a brownish color. Add sugar a little. Drinking water steeping mango leaves twice a day morning and evening, with routine

Traditional medicine for diabetes

Take few leaves of mango, which is in good condition is not eaten by caterpillars and still fresh, wash thoroughly and then soak overnight in water, strain and drink the water is taken in the morning routine, until the pain that you suffer cured

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Traditional medicine varicose veins

Boil mango leaf tea every day (one cup of water with 2 teaspoons of mango leaves) may help strengthen blood vessels and can cure varicose veins on your legs.

Thus the discussion of natural leaf properties this time on the efficacy of mango leaves for good health this discussion helpful and you are suffering pain will heal faster.

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