Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017

Good Benefits of Alcohol

 advantages of drinking alcohol wikipedia
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Good Benefits of Alcohol - Liquor s is one of the drinks containing alcohol are high in it. For some people, this drink is a drink that is forbidden to drink, especially if you've entered the holy month of fasting, of course.

Disadvantages of alcohol will be get if you consume excess, and problems can lead to effects that are bad for the health of the human body but if consumed with how restricted turns can provide some of the health benefits on the human body, booze can provide many benefits to our body if consumed in doses that are appropriate and not excessive, of course.

Benefits of Alcohol for Health

The following 4 types of Liquor are good for human health:
good benefits of alcohol
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1. Wine/Alcoholic Wines

For the women who consumed a drink this wine with a glass per day dose turns outcould increase the estrogen levels in the body which can slow down the damage tobones and may reduce the risk of death at a young age by up to 35%, while for the men who routinely to consume a glass of wine per day can reduce the risk of prostate cancer illness.

In addition, the wine may also be able to treat some of the diseases that attack our bodies such as coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney stones, diabetes, and cancers of the digestive tract.
 which alcoholic drink is good for skin
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2. Beer

Beer is a very favorite drinks to be consumed by most people in this world, beer in General is one of the drinks made from fermented wheat. Beer for hair

The beer itself according to experts can treat heart disease and reduce the risk of heart illness if consumed regularly and not excessive, even by consuming a half glass of beer a day can help our body in reducing the risk of illness of diabetes and kidney stones besides the protein contained in the beer turns can protect the brain within our body.
 benefits of alcohol for health
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3. Vodka

Vodka is a drink which is produced in one of the Communist country i.e. Russia or that we know as the Soviet Union, liquor vodka turned out to be able to beautify the skin on the face or scalp us.
The trick is to pour the vodka to taste to cotton whichwe then Pat-Pat to our face, another benefit that is owned by this type of liquor is able to eliminate dandruff which is at the head of the US by way of mixing a few shotof vodka in a bottle of shampoo in our home.

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 alcohol benefits for skin
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4. Wine/Alcohol

Wine/Alcohol liquor is one that has a function to create a body to stay healthy because alcohol or wine have effects that can be warmed our bodies each day if consumed in reasonable limits every day because of wine/alcohol also have fairly high levels of alcohol in it, if taken in excess can make our body poisoning or that we are familiar with the term hangover. Alcohol benefits for skin

Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Benefits of soursop leaf to treat disease

Benefits of soursop leaf to treat disease
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Benefits of soursop leaf to treat disease - Most people are very familiar with the soursop so have a sour taste nan wryly. Surprising facts visit comes from finding the benefits of soursop leaves behind interesting. Because, as it turns out is not only, but also the sheer soursop leaf sirsaknya. We mostly just knowing that soursop have latin names, i.e. the Annona muricat L. The taste is sour and pungent with the flesh of the fruit resulting in the eating of the drooling because it feels.benefits of soursop leaf


Benefits of soursop leaf to treat disease

Soursop leaf may not as tasty as soursop fruit flesh. But as it turns out, the benefits of soursop leaves much more than the fruit itself. We can think of this as a form of compensation comes from not he leaves. He leaves as a member not absolute comes from a fruit tree or flower.

Soursop leaves rising so derived from the results of research that has been carried out an expert that the soursop leaves can be an alternative treatment for patients with cancer. It also allegedly better than chemotherapy up to 100 fold! Content of anticancer efficacy against soursop leaves too much higher than against fruit soursop.
Other efficacy as anticancer benefits derived from higher soursop is what has resulted in soursop leaves are then processed in so many forms. Soursop leaf processing can be capsules, steeping the tea, and others. All of them are equally present the benefits derived from the soursop leaves. This transition from a large number of companies that provide drug-herbal medicine and alternative in the cultivation of this soursop, read also the usefulness and benefits of betel leaves are green and red.

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anticancer benefits derived from higher soursop
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The use of the benefits of soursop leaves for his own medicine is actually easy and can be implemented on its own. Here's how fair unites a soursop leaves have dark green. After uniting the soursop leaves dark green, most sheets soursop leaves boiled then drunk while warm. Of course, there are so many different recipes for quantity range steeping soursop leaf against each disease.

As for after taking decoction derived from soursop leaves alone, can arise a sense less comfortable. It is less comfortable sense sense of heat in the stomach and continuous sweating. Feelings and reactions that run was similar to chemotherapy which is the middle of the fight against cancer. Due to the use of the soursop leaf itself is traditional/alternative medicine/herbs, then the results can not be inside overnight.

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The results derived from the use of water decoction of leaves of soursop can be out for at least 2 weeks of usage. It could be more. To better perform the periodic examination, observed against the doctor especially if it is a disease that is heavy.

In addition, soursop leaves also have benefits for beauty and health. In a row as the benefits of soursop leaves to: strengthen nerves, lower high blood pressure (hypertension), avoid viruses, make cured ulcers, reduce stress and avoid gene mutation. Not all mandatory use water decoction of leaves of soursop. It could also just by putting a soursop leaves above the outer disease like ulcers.