Jumat, 16 September 2016

Do You Know This?? Benefits of Having Sex, You Wont Expected

Benefit sof Having Sex
Image From:  cdn.playbuzz.com

Do You Know This?? Benefits of Having Sex, You Wont Expected - A night becomes a favorite time for married couples to have sex. Understandably, the night is the time when all the work has been completed. The evenings also bring an atmosphere of support for sexual intercourse. Only a few couples who take the time to have sex in the morning. A solid routine to be one of the obstacles.

Benefits of Having Sex

Though there are many benefits of sex in the morning. Well, what are the benefits? Refer to the explanation of the benefits in the following description.

 • Enlarge the chance of pregnancy

For couples who are married and not blessed with offspring, having sex in the morning could be one way to increase the chances of pregnancy. The reason, in the morning the couple still has a physical condition that fresh after resting all night. Moreover, in the morning the men produce more sperm than in the evening.

 • Immune increased

Sexual activity is done in the morning could also boost immunity. Because sexual activity is triggered increased production of antibodies called IgA and increased production of the hormone that keeps the body protected from ailments such as flu.

 • Improve mood

Some people have such a bad mood in the morning. This leads to a bad mood a person irritable, complaining and looking around with a negative outlook. Well, the benefits of sex in the morning was to improve the bad mood. Having sex with a partner, you will surely feel the happiness and satisfaction that the mood in the morning was changing for the better.

Benefits of Sex In The Morning
Image From:s3.amazonaws.com

Benefits of Sex In The Morning

Having sex in the morning does provide many health benefits. But it is not all married couples have sufficient time to have sex in the morning. If indeed intimate relationships difficult in the morning, you should still try to have sex on a regular basis at other times. Because sex regularly with a couple does have many benefits. Here are the important benefits have sex.

 • Reduce stress

Workload and problems in daily life often make a person stress. In addition to recreation, sex with a partner on a regular basis can reduce this stress. The husband and wife becomes more productive and vibrant.

 • Lowers blood pressure

When you include people who are prone to increased blood pressure, then hugs and intimate relationship with your partner can reduce diastolic blood pressure. Of course this is a safe way to lower blood pressure naturally.

 • Preventing heart disease

Intimate relationship not only involves the reproductive organs alone. There are many organs of the body that are affected by this activity. Besides thoughts, sexual activity can also affect the heart. Sexual intercourse is believed to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

 • Building trust

A married couple would never get difficult time when confidence in the partner becomes faded. One easy way to solve this crisis of confidence is by having sexual intercourse on a regular basis or with greater frequency. The emergence of this confidence influenced by growing the hormone oxytocin that makes a person feels happier. A sense of happiness is what will eliminate doubts about the pair, and vice versa.

Well, that's the benefit of having sex in the morning and the health benefits of sex for married couples. After learning a series of benefits, may you and your partner are no longer reluctant to have sexual intercourse quality.

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Benefits of Banana for Health

Benefits of Banana for Health
Image From: theuncagedlife.com

Multiple Benefits Banana for Health - The banana is one fruit that many once found in Indonesia. Moreover, these bananas are also easy to get to all places and at a relatively affordable price. Indeed many benefits of bananas other than as dessert can also be beneficial for health.

Bananas themselves contain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B potassium, calcium, complex, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Well here are some benefits of bananas for the health of your body below:

Banana Fruit Multiple Benefits To Health

Have vitamins and fiber

To make banana which has 2 times the carbohydrates and also 5 times the amount of vitamin A compared to apples. Well besides bananas are rich in potassium content with having reached 400mg potassium levels in the medium-sized banana. If you eat these bananas regularly can maintain heart health.

Have a high energy source

Because has carbohydrate content contained in bananas can be a source of energy for the body. Therefore, consuming two bananas a day, can increase the body's immune system and also add energy to perform everyday activities.

lose weight

Benefits of banana can help us lose weight. Well for those of you who have problems with the conditions of weight, then by eating bananas regularly can help you lose weight. This can be caused by a banana calories are relatively small.

Benefits of Banana for Brain Health
Image From: lh3.googleusercontent.com

Improve brain health

Well to consume them regularly and also 3 times a day as a dessert.

Can Treat Acne

For those of you who have problems with acne, it turns out, these bananas can be used to treat acne by: first we have to destroy meat ripe bananas. Then we apply a facial skin with acne. Then let stand for a few minutes then wash use water. Now you can repeat this way for several days until the acne disappeared and will make the skin becomes clean.

Overcoming diabetes

Happy was for you who often eating a banana because it can cope with diabetes, but the bananas that we use is a typical banana Gorontalo area goroho we are steamed and mixed with grated young coconut we can for additional food for diabetics.

Treat stomach ulcers

For this Banana fruit you can make a solution for you who attacked ulcer. Because bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body, so that it can relieve ulcer.

Banana Fruit Multiple Benefits To Health

Similarly Multiple Benefits of Banana for Health can you take advantage of this fruit that you can make a solution to overcome the disease we have explained above,